Abundances of the elements | neptunium |
Abundance in carbonaceous meteorites (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in carbonaceous meteorites (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundance in Earth's crust (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in Earth's crust (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundance in iron meteorites (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in iron meteorites (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundance in oceans (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in oceans (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundance in stream water (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in stream water (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundance in the sun (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in the sun (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundance in the universe (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundance in the universe (by atoms) | neptunium |
Abundances in humans (by weight) | neptunium |
Abundances in humans (by atoms) | neptunium |
Atomic radii (Clementi) | neptunium |
Atomc radii (calculated) | neptunium |
Atomic radius (empirical) | neptunium |
Atomic number | neptunium |
Atomic spectra | neptunium |
Biology | neptunium |
Block in periodic table | neptunium |
Boiling point | neptunium |
Boiling point of highest fluoride | neptunium |
Boiling point of hydride | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy (single bond) | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Al molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ar molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-As molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-B molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ba molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Be molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Bi molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Br molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-C molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ca molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Cl molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Cs molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-F molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Fr molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ga molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ge molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-H molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-He molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-I molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-In molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-K molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Kr molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Li molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Mg molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-N molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Na molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ne molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-O molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-P molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Pb molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ra molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Rb molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Rn molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-S molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sb molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Se molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Si molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sn molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sr molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Te molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Tl molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Xe molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of diatomic molecules | neptunium |
Bond enthalpy of homodinuclear molecules | neptunium |
Bond length in element | neptunium |
Bulk modulus | neptunium |
CAS Registry number | neptunium |
Chemistry | neptunium |
Classification | neptunium |
Colour | neptunium |
Common oxidation numbers | neptunium |
compounds | neptunium |
contents | neptunium |
Covalent radius | neptunium |
covalent radii revisited (2008 values) | neptunium |
Covalent radii (molecular single bond) | neptunium |
Covalent radii (molecular double bond) | neptunium |
Covalent radii (molecular triple bond) | neptunium |
Critical temperature | neptunium |
Crystal structure | neptunium |
Density of solid | neptunium |
Description | neptunium |
Discovery | neptunium |
Discovery | neptunium |
Discovery | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 1s | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 2p | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 2s | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3d | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3p | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3s | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4d | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4f | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4p | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4s | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5d | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5p | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5s | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 6p | neptunium |
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 6s | neptunium |
Electrical resistivity | neptunium |
Electron affinity | neptunium |
Electron binding energies | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (K) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (L-I) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (L-II) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (L-III) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (M-I) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (M-II) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (M-III) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (M-IV) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (M-V) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-I) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-II) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-III) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-IV) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-V) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-VI) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (N-VII) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (O-I) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (O-II) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (O-III) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (O-IV) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (O-V) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (P-I) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (P-II) | neptunium |
Electron binding energies (P-III) | neptunium |
Electron shell structure | neptunium |
electronegativity | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Allen) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Allred-Rochow) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe - s) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe - sp) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe -sp2) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe -sp3) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe) p-orbital | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Pauling) | neptunium |
Electronegativity (Sanderson) | neptunium |
Electronic configuration | neptunium |
Element names and symbols | neptunium |
Element popularity | neptunium |
Enthalpy of atomization | neptunium |
Enthalpy of fusion | neptunium |
Enthalpy of vaporization | neptunium |
Geology | neptunium |
Group Name | neptunium |
Group numbers | neptunium |
Hardness - Brinell | neptunium |
Hardness - Mineralogical | neptunium |
Hardness - Vickers | neptunium |
Health hazards | neptunium |
History of the element | neptunium |
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[I] | neptunium |
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[II] | neptunium |
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[III] | neptunium |
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[IV] | neptunium |
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(I) | neptunium |
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(II) | neptunium |
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(III) | neptunium |
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(IV) | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(-I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(-II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(IV) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(V) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(VI) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(IV) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(IV) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(V) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VI) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VII) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VIII) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(IV) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(V) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VI) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VII) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VIII) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-IV) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(I) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(II) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(III) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(IV) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(V) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(VI) ion | neptunium |
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(VII) ion | neptunium |
Ionization energies | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 1st | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 2nd | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 3rd | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 4th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 5th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 6th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 7th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 8th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 9th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 10th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 11th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 12th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 13th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 14th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 15th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 16th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 17th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 18th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 19th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 20th | neptunium |
Ionization energy: 21st | neptunium |
Isolation | neptunium |
Isotopes | neptunium |
Lattice energies | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI4 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O3 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO2 | neptunium |
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO3 | neptunium |
Linear expansion coefficient | neptunium |
Liquid Range | neptunium |
Meaning of name | neptunium |
Melting point | neptunium |
Melting point of the highest fluoride | neptunium |
Melting point of the hydride | neptunium |
Menu to displays of periodic properties | neptunium |
Molar volume | neptunium |
NMR data | neptunium |
Orbital properties | neptunium |
Period numbers | neptunium |
Poisson's ratio | neptunium |
Properties of some compounds | neptunium |
Radius - metallic (12) | neptunium |
Reactions of the elements | neptunium |
Reduction potential of hydrated M(I) ions | neptunium |
Reduction potential of hydrated M(II) ions | neptunium |
Reduction potential of hydrated M(III) ions | neptunium |
Reduction potential of hydrated M(IV) ions | neptunium |
Reflectivity | neptunium |
Refractive index | neptunium |
Rigidity modulus | neptunium |
Single bond enthalpy in highest bromide | neptunium |
Single bond enthalpy in highest chloride | neptunium |
Single bond enthalpy in highest fluoride | neptunium |
Single bond enthalpy in highest iodide | neptunium |
Standard atomic weights | neptunium |
standard reduction potentials | neptunium |
Standard state | neptunium |
Superconductivity temperature | neptunium |
Term symbol | neptunium |
Thermal conductivity | neptunium |
thermochemistry | neptunium |
Thermodynamic properties | neptunium |
Total mass in 70 kg human | neptunium |
Uses | neptunium |
valence orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence s-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence p-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence d-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence f-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence s-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence p-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence d-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
valence f-orbital R(max) | neptunium |
Van der Waals radius | neptunium |
Velocity of sound | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Ag-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Co-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Cr-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Cu-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Fe-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Mo-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Ni-Kα) | neptunium |
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (W-Lα) | neptunium |
Young's modulus | neptunium |