  • ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Neon
  • ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ะะตะพะฝ
  • ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๆฐ–
  • ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Neon
  • ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท Néon
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช Neon
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ื ื™ืื•ืŸ
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น Neo
  • ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต ใƒใ‚ชใƒณ
  • ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น Néon
  • ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ Neón
  • ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช Neon
  • ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ ะะตะพะฝ
This table has links to all the properties of neon included within WebElements. Follow the "Link to definition of property" or "Link to data for property" of the element neon.
Link to definition of property Link to neon data for property
Abundances of the elementsneon
Abundance in carbonaceous meteorites (by weight)neon
Abundance in carbonaceous meteorites (by atoms)neon
Abundance in Earth's crust (by weight)neon
Abundance in Earth's crust (by atoms)neon
Abundance in iron meteorites (by weight)neon
Abundance in iron meteorites (by atoms)neon
Abundance in oceans (by weight)neon
Abundance in oceans (by atoms)neon
Abundance in stream water (by weight)neon
Abundance in stream water (by atoms)neon
Abundance in the sun (by weight)neon
Abundance in the sun (by atoms)neon
Abundance in the universe (by weight)neon
Abundance in the universe (by atoms)neon
Abundances in humans (by weight)neon
Abundances in humans (by atoms)neon
Atomic radii (Clementi)neon
Atomc radii (calculated)neon
Atomic radius (empirical)neon
Atomic numberneon
Atomic spectraneon
Block in periodic tableneon
Boiling pointneon
Boiling point of highest fluorideneon
Boiling point of hydrideneon
Bond enthalpy (single bond)neon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Al moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ar moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-As moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-B moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ba moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Be moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Bi moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Br moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-C moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ca moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Cl moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Cs moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-F moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Fr moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ga moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ge moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-H moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-He moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-I moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-In moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-K moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Kr moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Li moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Mg moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-N moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Na moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ne moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-O moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-P moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Pb moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Ra moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Rb moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Rn moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-S moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sb moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Se moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Si moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sn moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Sr moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Te moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Tl moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic M-Xe moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of diatomic moleculesneon
Bond enthalpy of homodinuclear moleculesneon
Bond length in elementneon
Bulk modulusneon
CAS Registry numberneon
Common oxidation numbersneon
Covalent radiusneon
covalent radii revisited (2008 values)neon
Covalent radii (molecular single bond)neon
Covalent radii (molecular double bond)neon
Covalent radii (molecular triple bond)neon
Critical temperatureneon
Crystal structureneon
Density of solidneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi)neon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 1sneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 2pneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 2sneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3dneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3pneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 3sneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4dneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4fneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4pneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 4sneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5dneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5pneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 5sneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 6pneon
Effective nuclear charge (Clementi) - 6sneon
Electrical resistivityneon
Electron affinityneon
Electron binding energiesneon
Electron binding energies (K)neon
Electron binding energies (L-I)neon
Electron binding energies (L-II)neon
Electron binding energies (L-III)neon
Electron binding energies (M-I)neon
Electron binding energies (M-II)neon
Electron binding energies (M-III)neon
Electron binding energies (M-IV)neon
Electron binding energies (M-V)neon
Electron binding energies (N-I)neon
Electron binding energies (N-II)neon
Electron binding energies (N-III)neon
Electron binding energies (N-IV)neon
Electron binding energies (N-V)neon
Electron binding energies (N-VI)neon
Electron binding energies (N-VII)neon
Electron binding energies (O-I)neon
Electron binding energies (O-II)neon
Electron binding energies (O-III)neon
Electron binding energies (O-IV)neon
Electron binding energies (O-V)neon
Electron binding energies (P-I)neon
Electron binding energies (P-II)neon
Electron binding energies (P-III)neon
Electron shell structureneon
Electronegativity (Allen)neon
Electronegativity (Allred-Rochow)neon
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe - s)neon
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe - sp)neon
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe -sp2)neon
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe -sp3)neon
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe)neon
Electronegativity (Mulliken-Jaffe) p-orbitalneon
Electronegativity (Pauling)neon
Electronegativity (Sanderson)neon
Electronic configurationneon
Element names and symbolsneon
Element popularityneon
Enthalpy of atomizationneon
Enthalpy of fusionneon
Enthalpy of vaporizationneon
Group Nameneon
Group numbersneon
Hardness - Brinellneon
Hardness - Mineralogicalneon
Hardness - Vickersneon
Health hazardsneon
History of the elementneon
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[I]neon
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[II]neon
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[III]neon
Hydration enthalpy for metal ion M[IV]neon
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(I)neon
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(II)neon
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(III)neon
Hydrolysis constant of hydrated metal ion M(IV)neon
Ionic radii (Shannon)neon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(-I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(-II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(IV) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(V) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for 8-coordinate M(VI) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(-I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon): low spin octahedral M(IV) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon): high spin octahedral M(IV) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(V) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VI) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VII) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for octahedral M(VIII) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for square planar M(III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(-II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(I) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(II) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(III) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(IV) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(V) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VI) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VII) ionneon
Ionic radii (Shannon) for tetrahedral M(VIII) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling)neon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-IV) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-III) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-II) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(-I) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(I) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(II) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(III) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(IV) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(V) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(VI) ionneon
Ionic radius (Pauling) for M(VII) ionneon
Ionization energiesneon
Ionization energy: 1stneon
Ionization energy: 2ndneon
Ionization energy: 3rdneon
Ionization energy: 4thneon
Ionization energy: 5thneon
Ionization energy: 6thneon
Ionization energy: 7thneon
Ionization energy: 8thneon
Ionization energy: 9thneon
Ionization energy: 10thneon
Ionization energy: 11thneon
Ionization energy: 12thneon
Ionization energy: 13thneon
Ionization energy: 14thneon
Ionization energy: 15thneon
Ionization energy: 16thneon
Ionization energy: 17thneon
Ionization energy: 18thneon
Ionization energy: 19thneon
Ionization energy: 20thneon
Ionization energy: 21stneon
Lattice energiesneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MHneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH3neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MH4neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MFneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF3neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MF4neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MClneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl3neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MCl4neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBrneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr3neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MBr4neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MIneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI3neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MI4neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2Oneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MOneon
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for M2O3neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO2neon
Lattice energies (calculated) for MO3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MHneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MH4neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MFneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MF4neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MClneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MCl4neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBrneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MBr4neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MIneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MI4neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2Oneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MOneon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for M2O3neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO2neon
Lattice energies (thermochemical cycle) for MO3neon
Linear expansion coefficientneon
Liquid Rangeneon
Meaning of nameneon
Melting pointneon
Melting point of the highest fluorideneon
Melting point of the hydrideneon
Menu to displays of periodic propertiesneon
Molar volumeneon
NMR dataneon
Orbital propertiesneon
Period numbersneon
Poisson's rationeon
Properties of some compoundsneon
Radius - metallic (12)neon
Reactions of the elementsneon
Reduction potential of hydrated M(I) ionsneon
Reduction potential of hydrated M(II) ionsneon
Reduction potential of hydrated M(III) ionsneon
Reduction potential of hydrated M(IV) ionsneon
Refractive indexneon
Rigidity modulusneon
Single bond enthalpy in highest bromideneon
Single bond enthalpy in highest chlorideneon
Single bond enthalpy in highest fluorideneon
Single bond enthalpy in highest iodideneon
Standard atomic weightsneon
standard reduction potentialsneon
Standard stateneon
Superconductivity temperatureneon
Term symbolneon
Thermal conductivityneon
Thermodynamic propertiesneon
Total mass in 70 kg humanneon
valence orbital R(max)neon
valence s-orbital R(max)neon
valence p-orbital R(max)neon
valence d-orbital R(max)neon
valence f-orbital R(max)neon
valence s-orbital R(max)neon
valence p-orbital R(max)neon
valence d-orbital R(max)neon
valence f-orbital R(max)neon
Van der Waals radiusneon
Velocity of soundneon
X-ray mass absorption coefficientsneon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Ag-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Co-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Cr-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Cu-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Fe-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Mo-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (Ni-Kα)neon
X-ray mass absorption coefficients (W-Lα)neon
Young's modulusneon